Cloud deployment determines the survival of enterprises
Chief Telecom Partners with Oracle FastConnect to Help Enterprises Grow and Be Innovative
In the first half of 2021, the world has been severely stuck by COVID-19. It was when the key applications of enterprises were grounded in the local datacenters, whereas the employees were forced to work from home that many enterprises realized the importance of cloud deployment. It is no longer a choice for enterprises to deploy cloud services, but rather a key to their sustainability and survival. In post-pandemic era, an open, stable and secure cloud solution will be even more critical for the recovery of enterprises.

Cloud deployment is not enough – multi-cloud infrastructure helps enterprises grow and be innovative
“Cloud deployment is the trend of the future as well as the key to the overturning innovation that will be created by enterprises,” said Julius Tsai, Senior Manager of Chief Telecom’s Product team.
As indicated by the report of IDC, the three biggest public cloud service providers, namely AWS, Microsoft and Google, have a combined IaaS market share of 76.3% here in Taiwan, and that the expenditure on public cloud services and infrastructure reached 26 billion USD in APAC (excluding Japan) in 2019, which is a 47.1% YoY growth. IDC also predicted that with great growth momentum, the public cloud services would grow about triply from 2018 to 2023.
Chief Cloud eXchange Center
If enterprises want to deploy globally in a speedy manner, choosing to use just one public cloud may not be enough, plus that all public clouds have their own distinct service features. For example, “E-commerce might use AWS, whereas enterprises that require data localization (in Taiwan) would choose to use GCP. And if the key applications of enterprises are migrating to the cloud, Oracle Cloud will be the choice,” said Tsai. However, enterprises that choose to use public clouds might still encounter issues such as latency and packet loss despite the huge benefit and convenience. If they choose to connect via VPN or leased line, on the other hand, the cost will be very high.
According to the “2019 State of the Cloud Report” published by RightScale, there are as many as 84% of enterprises deploying multi-cloud strategy; IDC, on the other hand, predicted that there will be more than 90% of enterprises using multi-cloud infrastructure in 2020 in order to build new products and businesses. In other words, it is not enough for enterprises to just have cloud deployment when faced with the wave of digital transformation, but “multi-cloud” is the key to versatility, adaptation and fast development of business opportunities.
Further empowering CCX, Oracle FastConnect takes enterprises beyond Taiwan and eye on the World
To solve the network issues when using public clouds and cater to the different cloud service requirements with one-stop-shop solution, Chief Telecom’s Chief Cloud eXchange (CCX) would be the best choice. For the enterprises’ key applications, Tsai commented, without a stable, secure and high-quality network connection, enterprises will not be able to confidently migrate data to the cloud, let alone enjoying all sorts of advanced cloud application features.
Following the partnership with AWS, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure and providing direct connection to these global cloud service providers, Chief Telecom now joins force with Oracle Cloud to provide FastConnect, with which enterprises can connect to Oracle Cloud directly through the dedicated link provided by CCX. Oracle databases, indicated by Tsai, are enterprises’ key application and thus the required standard of information security and efficiency will also be higher. If enterprises are connected through FastConnect to Oracle Cloud via CCX, there will be more stable and secure connection of their key applications. Also, as the connection does not go through public internet, the security of data transmission will be guaranteed.
Taking the financial industry as an example, Tsai said, data is no doubt the most valuable asset to them, and in order to achieve risk management, it is important for the financial industry to constantly maintain disaster recovery (DR) methods and even build their own DR sites. However, as some data are stored hardware that is to be replaced soon, the investment will be considerable no matter the financial institutions choose to have hardware replacement or software license subscription.
“On one hand, they’d like to cut down on the operating costs. On the other hand, they’d like to keep the same level of efficiency and security. This is the dilemma for financial institutions nowadays,” Tsai said.
For a situation like this, going for cloud deployment is the best solution. With regards to backup service and DR, CCX provides Oracle FastConnect for enterprises to connect with Oracle Cloud directly and enjoy the cloud service. Enterprises will be charged by their usage, which is a huge saving on operating costs compared to hardware replacement and software license subscription, and it also achieves DR at the same time.
Moreover, the Oracle FastConnect provided by CCX allows enterprises to flexibly choose the committed bandwidth from 10Mbps to 10Gbps, and the traffic charge is also lower compared with using public internet. In other words, the more data transferred, the more cost saved.
Julius Tsai, Senior Manager of Chief Telecom’s Product team.
Chief Telecom as the driving force to Taiwan’s cloud ecosystem and provides direct connection to the global public clouds
As Taiwanese enterprises going global, it will be crucial to have well-planned cloud deployment strategy. The one-stop-shop direct connection to global public clouds provided by CCX, acting as the driving force to Taiwan’s cloud ecosystem, will enforce enterprise’s global deployment. With the partnership with Oracle Cloud, Chief Telecom has become the first among its competitors to complete its map of cloud services, and its carrier-neutral IDC does not only house the renowned public cloud service providers, but also the famous FAANG.
“We are like a department store of telecom services where enterprises can acquire all of the required services with one-stop-shopping,” Tsai described. For general public internet users, TPIX elevates their network using experiences; for enterprises, CCX provides high-quality private network connection and realizes their requirements of a hybrid-cloud infrastructure. In such a fast-paced digital era, Chief Telecom will serve as the beachhead for Taiwanese enterprises to conquer the world of cloud data as well as connects them to the world rapidly and helps to build greater competitiveness.